I took a little break from the blogosphere to go to a Conrad family reunion in Scottsdale and then get settled back in our little apartment in Rexy. I have been in three states in three days and shoot, it was kind of exhausting. The break form the world of these here internets was a bit nice.
Arizona was great. We had a couple condos there and loved the pool with all the heat. We enjoyed good food, great company, and lots of ac. It was so great to see those we hadn't seen in so long, and Kelly and I really enjoyed entertaining the kiddos. They loved the sea life aquarium, and we all liked the musical instrument museum.
The older of the group loved our trip to the Mesa Temple, and had a good time at Texas Road House. The kids went a little crazy in the long hours of absence from their parents, but everyone lived to tell the tale.
Oh ya, and on the way home, we flew over the Grand Canyon. Hi Grand Canyon!
I must admit it's nice to be back after a summer of galavanting about. We're all settled back here and giving the little sister the campus tour. I love having all five of us here for this one semester. It's amazing already.
Love the photos. You look FABULOUS in that black swim suit! Thanks again for taking care of Kaloni. Have a great semester. You are all in our prayers. The house is very quiet and it feels WEIRD! Yes it's true.